Safe Effective Birth Control

Each year, between 500,00 and 600,000 vasectomy procedures are performed as the permanent contraception method of choice for families. It is one of the safest and most effective methods of birth control performed today. The tube (called a vas) which lead from the testicle is cut and sealed in order to stop sperm from leaving. The procedure usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes in the office. Since the procedure simply interrupts the delivery of sperm it does NOT change hormonal function - leaving sexual drive and potency unaffected.
The "No-Needle, No-Scalpel" Technique
With vasectomy, an anesthetic is used to numb the skin and tissue. While this anesthetic has been typically delivered with a needle, with the new "No-Needle" technique the anesthetic is delivered by way of a jet spray injection instrument. This new technology can eliminate the potentially uncomfortable two needle sticks (one needle stick per vas deferens), otherwise common with the standard technique. Not only does the new technique reduce fear and anxiety, but most men experience no pain at all. The "No-Scalpel" technique is a technique to do the vasectomy through one single puncture. This puncture is made into the scrotum and usually requires no suturing or stitches. It represents a significant improvement over conventional vasectomy techniques in that it is less traumatic and shortens recovery time. In addition, the NSV often results in less discomfort post procedure with a reduced risk of bleeding, infection and scarring.
"When I had my vasectomy Dr. Zamstein and his staff made my experience as pleasant as possible and their "No-Needle" anesthesia was painless!"
- Michael S.
"Considering the area involved and what the procedure entails, I was worried about the pain and discomfort. The no needle, no scalpel method was a blessing. No pain, no discomfort and in and out of the office in 15 minutes! I recommend this new procedure to any one looking into this avenue of birth control / sterility."
- Robert T.
Risks / Complications
Important Info
As with any surgical procedure, the primary risks of vasectomy are infection and bleeding. These risks are generally low for this procedure. It is also important that each patient understand that vasectomy should be approached as an irreversible procedure. While vasectomy can be reversed surgically at times, its successful reversal cannot be guaranteed. Also important is the fact that the vas deferens can grow back together. This is called recanalization and occurs only rarely - less than 1/2 to 1 percent of the time.
The Effects of a Vasectomy
A vasectomy leaves the patient unchanged except for the fact that the sperm cord (vas) is blocked. The testes still produce sperm, but they die and are absorbed by the body. The level of male hormones remains the same and all sexual characteristics remain the same. Ability to have an erection is also entirely unchanged.
Preparing for Your Vasectomy
Prior to coming to the office for a vasectomy you should shower. The doctor will request that you shave your scrotum. You will be asked to sign a permission form prior to your procedure. You should bring an athletic supporter with you to wear post procedure.
The Procedure
After you undress, the scrotum will be washed and properly draped. The anesthesia will be administered with the No-Needle injector. The anesthesia will prevent you from feeling pain as the doctor uses a special instrument to puncture the scrotum and grasp the vas deferens. Most men describe feeling a "pulling" sensation, but no pain. The vas is then cut and sealed. The other side is similarly done through the original puncture site.
After Vasectomy
Following your procedure it is important that you remain off your feet as much as possible for 24-48 hours. This is very important in order to minimize the chances of post-surgical complications. You will be allowed to drive yourself home from the procedure. The anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 2 hours after the surgery. You may shower at your leisure. Sexual activity may be resumed in approximately 3 to 4 days. This, of course, is not yet sexual activity safe from pregnancy!
The doctor will ask you to bring a semen specimen to the office in approximately 8 weeks post procedure. The specimen must be collected by masturbation only. The specimen should be brought to the office in the container provided by us. This specimen must be checked to be assured that the vasectomy worked and that you are sterile. If the first specimen tests negative (meaning that no sperm at all are seen), another will be required 4 weeks later. You must have TWO negative semen checks for the doctor to clear you. We advise you to have your semen specimen checked one year post procedure, but that is not mandatory.
More About the "No-Needle, No-Scalpel" Technique
For more information about this technique, please visit our website at or We are always willing to answer any questions that you may have as we believe that patients need to take an active role in their urological care.